Spring Term! 

Topic – this term is based on Queen Elizabeth II – we will focus on History, Geography, Computing and Design and Technology.

Please look at the homework overview on what you can work on that is linked to our topic. We have amazing ideas ready for you. Homework is due back on a Monday every week.

Maths –  we are continuing to work on addition and focus more on subtraction over the next few weeks.

Science – we are learning about Animals including Humans. Our main focus will be the human body and the five different senses

RE –  we are going to focus on Hinduism and our big question is What is means to be a Hindu.

PSHE – we are going to learn about Dreams and Goals and would like to focus on ourselves.

Please continue to read with your child everyday and sign their reading records. Make sure to read the E-books online and sign your reading record with the name of the book and the date.

Thank you for attending our class workshare assembly. It was lovely to see so many of parents/carers. We hope you enjoyed it.

Thank you for your continued support.

Year 1 Team