Dates for your diary

Sports Day

Our Sports Day will be on Tuesday 18th June. Parents and carers are invited to come and support the children.


Diversity Picnic

On Friday 5th July, the children will be celebrating themselves. We will be having a picnic in the afternoon and the children can wear their own clothes. We want to celebrate our diversity by sharing our cultures, pride, languages, and individuality. Children can wear traditional dress, a colour they love, rainbows or whatever they feel comfortable in. We welcome any snacks or traditional finger food to be shared with the children on this day – no nuts or nut products please.


Graduation Celebration

Reception will be celebrating the end of their Early Years journey on Monday 15th July at 9:30am. Parents and carers are invited to come and see the children perform some special songs and receive their certificates.


Last Day of School

The last day of the school year will be Friday 19th July – school closes at 2pm.