The Facts
• OGPS expects that ALL children will achieve a minimum of 96% attendance regardless of their year group. Every stage of a child’s education is of equal importance.
• Regular attendance at school is a legal requirement and it is vital if your child is to benefit fully from their education.
• Any absence can disrupt your child’s education, whether through illness or holidays in term time.
• Everyday your child is absent they miss important lessons (summer born children already have 2 full terms less than autumn born children)
• It is very easy to fall behind with work, but very difficult to catch up.
• Having an education will give your child the best possible start in life.
• Two weeks absence means that your child loses 60 hours of learning which they can never get back. Your child could miss a whole topic which will not be revisited.
• A two week holiday during term time every year of your child’s life equals almost two full terms of education missed over their whole school career.
• Friendships suffer – during two weeks absence social groups change – your child may not fit back into the same friendship group on his/her return.


The law states that children should arrive at school on time, every day. Schools are legally required to take a register of pupils first thing in the morning and in the afternoon.

We do this from 8.45am each morning – if a pupil is late but the register is still open they are marked as late. Once the register is closed, if a pupil arrives after this time, it will be recorded as an unauthorised absence.

Children who are dropped off by parents at school late, must be brought into school by a parent so they can be signed in. This is to ensure accurate reasons for lateness are recorded, and to ensure that children arrive safely in school.

Parents Responsibilities

As a parent, you have a legal responsibility to ensure

that your child attends school regularly.

You must make sure that your child:-

·         Arrives at school on time

·         Attends regularly

·         Please make sure that your child leaves home on time, if travelling any distance please allow ample time for traffic or other delays.

School Responsibilities

To work with parents to encourage regular attendance and punctuality of their child.

A record of attendance must be kept giving the exact reason for the child’s absence If no reason is provided by parents (by telephone, in person, in writing) the absence will be recorded as unauthorised (DfES class this as truancy) and will remain on the child’s record.

If your child is absent, it may be that school will contact you to establish the reason for absence.

The school will promote and encourage good attendance via its reward system. The school and Local Authority will conduct attendance checks throughout each half term.

Children with poor attendance records and lateness will be monitored and followed up by the school in partnership with the Local Authority. In extreme cases absence could lead to official warnings or even prosecution and fines. This information can be transferred to secondary schools.


National framework for penalty notices


Penalty notices are issued to parents as an alternative to prosecution, where they have failed to ensure that their child of compulsory school age regularly attends the school where they are registered.


·         A penalty notice can be issued to each parent liable for the offence or offences.

·         The threshold is 10 sessions of unauthorised absence in a rolling period of 10 school weeks. A school week means any week in which there is at least one school session. This can be met with any combination of unauthorised absence, consecutive or not. The period of 10 school weeks can also span different terms or school years.

·         In addition to this, where a pupil has arrived late after the register has closed but before the end of session, the code U (arrived in school after registration closed) will be used.


Oliver Goldsmith School will actively discourage persistent absence and late arrival and expect seek an explanation from the parent in these instances.

Poor attendance or punctuality is unacceptable and persistent absence and/or lateness will be referred onto the Education Welfare Service and parents may be at risk of legal action being taken against them.

Please see the link for our attendance leaflet

Attendance leaflet