The assessment of all children within the school takes place every day as part of a teacher’s daily teaching and learning. Assessing where children are in their learning in the different subjects allows teachers to plan for their next steps in order to make continuous progress and attain as highly as possible.
Teachers regularly assess children against the Primary National Curriculum objectives and criteria that has been developed in line with a child’s age and stage of development.
At Oliver Goldsmith, we use the following terminology to assess pupils’ attainment in their specific year group:
Beginning or Beginning + (Autumn Term – On Track)
Working Within or Working Within + (Spring Term – On Track)
Secure or Secure + (Summer Term – On Track)
Each term, teachers provide this information and is reported to parents/ carers with clear identification of strengths and next steps to help children move forward in their learning. These assessments are moderated across the Federation and Local Authority in order ensure accurate assessments of all our pupils.
These assessments are then reported to senior leaders and governors to assist teachers in enhancing practice in their classroom to ensure that all children continue to make progress.
More information on assessment of children can be obtained from our Assessment Policy or from your child’s class teacher.