Term Dates and Attendance

Please click here for the 2024 -2025 term dates

Please click here for the 2023 -2024 term dates

Please click here for the 2022 -2023 term dates

Term and holiday dates

Academic year  2022 to 2023

Autumn Term: Thursday 1st September 2022 to Friday 21st October 2022

INSET days: 1st, 2nd September – School closed to pupils.

Return for all pupils –  Monday 5th September 2022

October half term:   Monday 24th to Friday 28th October.

Christmas Holidays: Monday 19th December to Monday 2nd January 2023

Return for all pupils – Wednesday 4th January 2023

Spring term: Tuesday 3rd January 2023 to Friday 31st March 2023

Half term: Monday 13th February to Friday 17th February 2023

Easter Holidays: Monday 3rd April 2023 to Friday 14th April 2023

Summer term: Monday 17th April 2023 to Friday 21st July 2023

May Day Bank Holiday Monday 1st May 2023

Half term: Monday 29th May to Friday 2nd June 2023

INSET days: Thursday 20th and 21st July 2023

Last day of term for pupils is Wednesday 19th July at 2pm

Term and holiday dates

Academic year  2021 to 2022

Autumn Term: Wednesday 1st September 2021 to Friday 17th December 2021

INSET days: 1st, 2nd and 3rd of September – School closed to pupils.

Return for all pupils –  Monday 6th September 2021

October half term:   Monday 25th to Friday 29th October.

Christmas Holidays: Monday 20th December to Monday 3rd January 2022

Spring Term: Tuesday 4th January 2022 to Friday 1st April 2022

Half term: Monday 14th February to Friday 18th February 2022

Easter Holidays: Monday 4th April to Monday 18th April 2022

Summer Term: Tuesday 19th April to Friday July 22nd 2022

May Day bank holiday: Monday 2nd of May 2022

Half Term: [Including Queen’s jubilee day] Monday May 30th to Monday June 6th 2022

INSET days Thursday 21st and Friday 22nd of July 2022

Last day of term for children is Wednesday 20th July 2022

Oliver Goldsmith Primary School: Attendance and Punctuality

Oliver Goldsmith is committed to ensuring that children receive an education that they are entitled to. In order to make this happen, we have exceptionally high standards when it comes to attendance and punctuality and fully expected parents/ carers to support the school in making sure that all children arrive in school every day and on time. As a school, we celebrate children’s successful attendance through weekly assemblies and certificates for high attendance at key points of the year.

Please refer to our attendance policy for more information.

  • What constitutes excellent attendance?

All children should be aiming for an average attendance figure of 96% – 100%. Attendance information is given during parents’ evenings each term, as well as an overall percentage at the end of the academic year on your child’s report. Attendance is monitored weekly by the school and should there be any concerns regarding any child’s attendance, then a meeting will be arranged to discuss attendance and targets set.

  • What should I do if my child is unwell?

If you child is too unwell to attend school, please ring the school and leave a message on the appropriate messaging service.

If your child is unwell for three days on more in any consecutive period, we request that you provide medical proof to the school office.

  • What should I do if my child is going to be late?

Every effort should be made to ensure that children are in school for the start of the school day. Should there be an occasion that your child is going to be late in school, please contact the school office to explain their lateness. Please provide any evidence (ie medical/ appointment).

  • What should I do if I need to take my child out of school early or for a sustained period of time?

Taking children out of school should be seen as a last resort and alternative provision should be exhausted before taking the option to take your child out of the school day or for long periods of time. Please make sure you speak with the headteacher or senior member of staff should there be circumstances where this may need to happen.

If you are required to travel abroad in emergency circumstances, an application should be made for term time leave. Application forms are available via the school office and any supporting documents should be provided to support that it is an exceptional circumstance.

  • Who should I contact if I have any concerns regarding attendance?

Should you have any questions regarding attendance then please do not hesitate to contact our school Community Liaison Lead/Designated Safeguarding Lead: Kamla Tirvengadum, who will be happy to discuss your child’s attendance with you.

Please  click here for the 2021 -2022 term dates.

Term and holiday dates

Academic year  2021 to 2022

Autumn Term: Wednesday 1st September 2021 to Friday 17th December 2021

INSET days: 1st, 2nd and 3rd of September – School closed to pupils.

Return for all pupils –  Monday 6th September 2021

October half term:   Monday 25th to Friday 29th October.

Christmas Holidays: Monday 20th December to Monday 3rd January 2022

Spring Term: Tuesday 4th January 2022 to Friday 1st April 2022

Half term: Monday 14th February to Friday 18th February 2022

Easter Holidays: Monday 4th April to Monday 18th April 2022

Summer Term: Tuesday 19th April to Friday July 22nd 2022

May Day bank holiday: Monday 2nd of May 2022

Half Term: [Including Queen’s jubilee day] Monday May 30th to Monday June 6th 2022

INSET days Thursday 20th and Friday 22nd of June 2022

Last day of term for children is Wednesday 20th July 2022

Oliver Goldsmith Primary School: Attendance and Punctuality

Oliver Goldsmith is committed to ensuring that children receive an education that they are entitled to. In order to make this happen, we have exceptionally high standards when it comes to attendance and punctuality and fully expected parents/ carers to support the school in making sure that all children arrive in school every day and on time. As a school, we celebrate children’s successful attendance through weekly assemblies and certificates for high attendance at key points of the year.

Please refer to our attendance policy for more information.

  • What constitutes excellent attendance?

All children should be aiming for an average attendance figure of 96% – 100%. Attendance information is given during parents’ evenings each term, as well as an overall percentage at the end of the academic year on your child’s report. Attendance is monitored weekly by the school and should there be any concerns regarding any child’s attendance, then a meeting will be arranged to discuss attendance and targets set.

  • What should I do if my child is unwell?

If you child is too unwell to attend school, please ring the school and leave a message on the appropriate messaging service.

If your child is unwell for three days on more in any consecutive period, we request that you provide medical proof to the school office.

  • What should I do if my child is going to be late?

Every effort should be made to ensure that children are in school for the start of the school day. Should there be an occasion that your child is going to be late in school, please contact the school office to explain their lateness. Please provide any evidence (ie medical/ appointment).

  • What should I do if I need to take my child out of school early or for a sustained period of time?

Taking children out of school should be seen as a last resort and alternative provision should be exhausted before taking the option to take your child out of the school day or for long periods of time. Please make sure you speak with the headteacher or senior member of staff should there be circumstances where this may need to happen.

If you are required to travel abroad in emergency circumstances, an application should be made for term time leave. Application forms are available via the school office and any supporting documents should be provided to support that it is an exceptional circumstance.

  • Who should I contact if I have any concerns regarding attendance?

Should you have any questions regarding attendance then please do not hesitate to contact our school Community Liaison Lead/Designated Safeguarding Lead: Kamla Tirvengadum, who will be happy to discuss your child’s attendance with you.