Reception Update

Thank you to all the parents that have come to our Parents/ Carers’ Evening. We look forward to seeing the rest of you.

Please find below the learning information that we said we would share with you.

Phonics Autumn Term

These are the letters and sounds we have been learning this term:

s a t p i n m d g o c k ck u e r b f l

Please continue to go over these letter sounds to support your children in using them confidently and securely. This will enable their reading and writing. Don’t forget to use your online library at Big Cat ebooks – your username and password can be found in your child’s reading record.

Maths Autumn Term

We have been learning to count, recognise and work within numbers from 0 to 20. Below you will find some links to helpful videos and websites to support your child’s continuous learning.

Shapes are everywhere! To support your child’s ongoing learning, you can challenge them to Shape Hunt the environment – can you see a circle, square, triangle, rectangle? What shape is the bus stop sign? How many sides does the square have? Can you see another shape like it?

Finally, please remember to check the school blog every two weeks for updates.

Have a lovely weekend,

Reception Team