Cosmic class!

We have had a wonderful start to our term and have enjoyed getting to know our new friends who have recently joined Cosmic class!

Our topic this term has been ” All About Me.” In our topic sessions, we have been learning about the different parts of the body using songs and flash cards as well trying to learn the different months of year. We have been talking about our birthdays and what we like to do to celebrate. All of us love presents and birthday cake the best!

In Art we have got creative and have painted self portraits of ourselves. In Sensory play we made cloud slime and really enjoyed putting our hands in and getting messy!

We have been learning our clean up song and now when it starts we all try our best to tidy the classroom.

We are looking forward to the next few weeks in Cosmic Class where we will be having a birthday party for our favourite stuffed toys and making jelly!

Watch this space for more Cosmic updates!