Entries by Shazeda Begum

Reading bags to be changed every Wednesdays!

This term, our nursery children will focus on enhancing their reading skills, specifically learning Phase 2 sounds in phonics in order to prepare them for Reception in September 2024. Each child has been given a reading bag containing a reading book, a book of their choice and a reading record. Please read with your child […]

Welcome back to Summer Term!

Dear Parents, Welcome to the summer term! This term, our nursery children will embark on an exciting journey learning about the fascinating world under the sea and the various animals that inhabit it. For physical development, we will focus on balancing skills and practice numerous activities in preparation for sports day. We look forward to […]

Diving into the jungle…

This week in nursery, the children have been learning about the habitats of jungle animals and what kinds of animals might live in the jungle. They have been painting different animals that live in the jungle and acting out as gorillas, lions, and monkeys. They have enjoyed learning about the special features of these animals […]

This week in nursery…

This week in nursery, we continue to learn about the creatures that we might find in the jungle. Here are a few pictures of the nursery children to show you their learning. We are continuing to read the story Monkey Puzzle by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler this week. In maths we are continuing to […]

Monkey Puzzle

We are reading the story Monkey puzzle for the next 2 weeks. We will be learning about the jungle and how to be a helpful friend. In the story, the butterfly was a helpful friend because she helped baby monkey find his family. Ask your child how they can help you at home? How can […]

In the Jungle…

As the seasons change, we will use our senses to explore the world outdoors. We will learn about healthy food choices, where vegetables come from and the growing process of seeds. We will discover the importance of farming and farm animals in many different communities. Home learning – can you design a healthy eating plate […]

Parents – We need your help!

Please kindly bring in any empty egg cartons, toilet rolls, empty milk containers or any cardboard boxes. We would really appreciate it! This term we will be creating lots of inventions using junk modelling resources both indoors and outdoors. Thank you for your help.

100% Attendance Competition

We have an exciting competition aimed at encouraging children to improve their attendance and giving them a chance to win something special. Please see below for details.

Welcome back to Summer term!

Welcome back to the summer term! We hope you enjoyed a wonderful break at home with your children. This week, the children have been diligently practicing writing letters and their own names. They have been actively engaged in self-initiated learning, solving puzzles, drawing pictures, painting, digging, and building with blocks. Additionally, we have been exploring […]