Dear Parents,

We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to all of you for your incredible support in helping the children create their story boxes about owls. Your involvement has made a wonderful impact on their learning journey. Not only have the children had fun exploring the world of owls, but they’ve also developed a range of valuable skills, including creativity, speaking, and focus. The children have really enjoyed talking about their story boxes.

Here are a few pictures of some of the story boxes. You can have a look at the rest of the story boxes during Parents Evening which will take place on Wednesday 11th December 2024 after school.

The Nursery Team

This week in nursery, we have introduced 15 minutes of yoga as part of our health and wellbeing focus, and the children are absolutely enjoying this new activity! It’s a wonderful way for them to stretch, relax, and build awareness of their bodies. Alongside this, we have continued exploring nocturnal animals, with the children making their own owls to add to our new owl display. They are learning about dark and light, using torches to investigate how light changes the environment, which has been a lot of fun. A huge thank you for all the incredible story boxes that have been brought in—they are simply amazing and have sparked so much creativity and excitement in the children!

Thank you for your continued support.

The Nursery Team.

This week we wrote a descriptive life cycle of a penguin. Take a look at the start of one of our pupils work.

As another week comes to a close, we would like to remind you of our ‘Celebration of Black Culture Evening’ on November 27th. Please see Kamla for tickets.

Year 4 have had a great time practised their bowling, batting and fielding skills in their weekly cricket lesson on Fridays. They have worked on developing their hand-eye co-ordination as well as their underarm throwing. Both classes really enjoyed putting all these skills together to play a game.

This week, the children have been exploring and investigating different kinds of leaves. We went on a leaf hunt around the school to find different colours, shapes and sizes of leaves. The children have been getting creative by making some autumnal pictures, using paint and collage. In maths, the children have been introduced to addition and subtraction within 10. The children also enjoyed the Leaf Hunt and addition song.

Please see the links below;


Now the weather is getting much colder, please remember to ensure your child has warm clothing, such as hats, scarves and gloves. Please remember to label everything!

Just a gentle reminder that home learning is given out on a Friday and you have until the following Wednesday to return it so we can put the new home learning inside the book.

Have a lovely weekend ahead! Keep dry and warm!


The Reception Team

This week, we have been reading Peace at Last, a lovely story that helps us think about bedtime routines. We’ve been discussing all the steps we take before bed—such as having a bath, brushing our teeth, putting on pyjamas, and reading a bedtime story. The children have been learning about the importance of these routines and the sounds around us at night. We are also developing our listening skills and becoming more aware of the different sounds in our environment.

In Science, we have been exploring shadows. The children have been discovering that shadows are created when something blocks light, causing a dark shape on a bright surface. You can ask your child at home: What materials block light the best?

For Anti-Bullying Week, the children participated by wearing odd socks to school and discussing the importance of kindness and treating others with respect.

In Maths, we continue to build on number skills, fine motor skills, and colour recognition through fun and engaging activities.

Please take a look at some photos from our week of learning!

Thank you for your continued help and support.

The Nursery Team


Everyone in Year 2 tried really hard to keep their eggs safe over the past few weeks, but in the end not all eggs survived until the final day.

We want to say a big well done for everyone who tried to keep their eggs safe but we want to give massive congratulations to the following pupils who managed to keep their eggs safe and sound for two whole weeks!

Atlantis: Emma, Dashly, Zephaniah, Amir, Arshia, Kian & Alejandro.

Apollo: Noah, Daniil, Daisy, Taya, Jordan, Fareed & Israel.

You have all been fantastic egg parents and your eggs were lucky to have you!

We enjoyed starting our day eating breakfast together