This week we have been learning these sounds:


Here is the Little Wandle Parents area to help you practise at home with your child


Look out for home learning sheets in your child’s bookbag with these sounds on them.

In maths we have been learning how to make 5.

Click the link for a number pairs song

The story this week has been We’re going on a bear hunt.

Here is an online version to enjoy together at home.,vid:0gyI6ykDwds,st:0

Next week we are going on a trip to Lucas gardens on Wednesday morning.  We will be going on a Leaf Hunt – like the story of the week.

If you go to a local park this weekend, why not collect lots of leaves, conkers, acorns etc to bring into school for our nature table.

From the Reception team

Welcome to the Reception Blog

This is where we will be putting information, links for learning websites and photos of what your children have been doing in school.

Check back here each week for upates

From the Reception team:

MS Ellery, Ms Kelleher, Ms Harlow and Ms Carter

Topic and Writing Outcomes

This half term we will be travelling back in time to  the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age to learn about life before written history.  We will find out the difference between primary and secondary sources of historical evidence and understand why one is more reliable than the other.

We have already made a great start to our learning during our immersion afternoon.  We had great fun making our own den art and  Stone Age tools.  We even tried our hand at excavating artefacts from our excavation trays.  At the end of this topic, we will be designing, making and evaluating our own prehistoric jewellery.

In our writing outcomes for this  topic, we will  be writing a non chronological report and a narrative about life during that period.


In Maths, we will be adding and subtracting 3-digit numbers.  This will  build on the learning from  year 2, so to  be successful in this unit,  children will need to be secure in their knowledge of place value and addition and subtraction facts for numbers up to 20.


In Science, we will be finding out about forces, friction and magnetic forces in particular.  As part of this unit, we will be conducting fair tests to investigate how forces act upon everyday objects.

Things to Remember

Books are changed every Tuesday and Thursday.  Children must attempt three of the questions at the front of their reading record per week.  For the autumn term, adults are expected to sign reading records every day.

P.E. is every Monday (Orion) and Friday (Columbia).  On those days children are expected to bring their full P.E. Kits.




Hi family and friends,

Year 5 have been busy this week making the most of our learning.

We have been practising addition and subtraction of numbers from 1 – 1000,000 as well as working on our multiplication and division fact families.

We have enjoyed lovely science lessons with Mr Hoadley as he demonstrates gravity using different props and we have been really enjoying our PSHE lessons building towers to show team work and precision.


We look forward to updating you on next week with our continued wonderful work! 😀


Year 5 team 🙂



Welcome back to the second half of the Autumn term!

PPT - Shang Dynasty PowerPoint Presentation, free download - ID:6486828

This term we will be looking at the Shang Dynasty in our Learning Across the Curriculum Lessons. We will be visiting the British Museum on 22nd November to support our learning about ancient China.

In Maths, we are continuing to practise adding and subtracting using the column method, and will move onto multiplication and division. Please continue to practise your times tables at home!

PE is on Wednesday for Hubble and Friday for Pioneer. All children need the bring in their kits (not wear them to school), unless they have a medical reason- accompanied by a signed note.

Reading Records will be sent home as usual and checked daily (if brought in), children need to be reading regularly at home.

Every week children should be completing Maths, LAC and Spelling Homework.

Maths needs to be completed in their book and they should choose one LAC task every week and spend at least 30 minutes completing it. Homework is due on Tuesday. Spelling tests are on Wednesdays.

Many thanks,

The Year 4 teachers


Week 1 Autumn 2

Welcome back to the second half of the Autumn term

This term we will be looking at World War 1 in our Learning Across the Curriculum Lessons. We are planning a trip to support this learning and will give an update when we have a booking in place. Unfortunately the Imperial War Museum is fully booked for the rest of the year but the Year 5 team recommend a visit, especially as it is free and local.

In Maths we are looking at Multiplication and Division, so there has never been a better time to practise Times Tables at home. There are various apps to accommodate this, ‘Times Tables Rock Stars’ is especially effective.

Calipso will be doing Swimming every Monday afternoon and will need swimming kits. Girls need one-piece swimming costumes, and children with long hair will require swimming caps (in line with the swimming pools policies.)

PE will continue on a Thursday and all children need the bring in kits (not wear them in), unless they have a medical reason- accompanied by a signed note.

Reading Records will be sent home as usual and checked on Mondays and Fridays, children need to be completing at least 3 tasks every 7 days.

Every week children should be completing Maths, LAC and Spelling Homework.

Spellings need to be written out 5 times. Maths needs to be completed in their book and they should choose one LAC task every week and spend at least 30 minutes completing it.

Homework Card Spring 2

This half term we are learning about Europe.

Which countries use the euro (€) as their currency? Can you find out which currency other European countries use?

What is the population of Europe? Which European country has the largest population? Which has the smallest? What are the most and least populated cities in Europe? How does Europe’s population compare to other continents and countries?



Homework Card

Use the parents area on the Little Wandle website to support you with helping your child learn to read at home.  There are many videos to support you.  Click on the link above.