Please take a look at this poster to find out more about free family activities this Half Term break.
All the children have settled in incredibly well and we have had a great few weeks back. We have some exciting topics this half term and the children are really excited about them.
We will be learning about the physical and some of the human features of Asia. Over the weeks, the children have practised using atlases to locating some of Asia’s more well known physical features and learning incredible facts about them. Why not test your child on what they have learnt so far.
In writing, children will be writing traditional tales which have been told in Asia and a persuasive brochure about Asia. Look out for some of the finished brochures in our blog later this term. Hopefully after reading them they may persuade you to visit this incredible continent.
We will be learning about multiplication and division fact and using them to help them multiply and divide two digit number by one digit numbers beyond 12. It is very important that you continue to encourage your children to practise their addition and subtraction fact to 20 as well as their 5, 10, 2 in addition to their new learning.
P.E. will now take place every Tuesday. Please ensure that your child has their full P.E. kit on that day.
For science this half term, we have been learning about the importance of light, how shadows are formed and the importance of sun safety. As part of this unit we will be investigating patterns related to the size and shape of shadows.
Finally, a quick reminder about reading. Children’s books are changed every Tuesday and Friday. Please could you ensure that your child reads every day and that their reading records are signed.
This term, Year 4 are practising their programming skills using Logo. We practised inputting basic commands to make an onscreen turtle move, then we moved onto inputting a longer string of instructions to make shapes and digits.
Happy New Year and welcome back to Spring Term
This week in Year 5
This week in Year 5 we are continuing to study the Ancient Maya learning about their place in history and location in the world. As part of this Language we are practicing use figurative language to describe.
In Maths we have been looking and division and multiplication methods, and the importance of strong times table skills. Children are encouraged to use Times Tables Rockstars regularly to support with this
As part of the school computing curriculum Year 5 are using computers to program Raspberry PI boards with simple coding using a framework called Crumble. They have been changing the colour of RGB LED lights, powering simple motors and controlling functions using switches and buttons.
PE kits needs to be brought in but not worn on Thursdays
Ulysses will be swimming until the end of term, and need their kits every Monday
This week, Year 4 have begun to learn how to multiply using the written column method. We used 10s and 1s place value counters to represent the calculation visually, then we used this to multiply the numbers in a formal method.
We are using the Little Wandle Phonics scheme to help us to learn early reading skills and are currently working on Phase 1. I have attached a leaflet for parents to read. There are some useful tips on how you can help your child at home to develop important skills for reading. I hope you find these tools helpful.
Thank you,
Nursery Team
This term, we will be studying The Great Fire of London. This week, the pupils learnt what Tudor houses were made from and had a go at building some out of cereal boxes. They had lots of fun decorating their houses which are looking great! Take a look.
Welcome back to school everyone, we hope you have had an enjoyable break.
This half term, Year 4 will be learning about the United Kingdom. We will be looking at the geography of the UK and will be writing our own travel guides. This term we will also be visiting a Buddhist centre for an RE trip (letters will be sent out soon).
This half term there will be a few changes to our weekly time table. Both Hubble and Pioneer will now have :
- PE lessons on THURSDAY
- Spelling tests on THURSDAY
A polite reminder that children should be wearing full uniform on PE day and should bring their PE kit in a bag to change into at school.
Maths and Spellings homework will be set on Fridays. LAC homework is set at the start of each half term.
Children should complete one Maths and one LAC each week in their books. Maths and LAC homework is due on Tuesdays.
Many thanks for your continued support,
The Year 4 teachers