Year 2 have been learning about Nocturnal Animals. We have a visitor coming soon and wrote down some questions to ask about his birds. We can’t wait to see them. Take a look at the questions!




Dear Parents/Carers,


Year 1 and 2 have the amazing opportunity to experience Birds of Prey at our school. Falconry UK is run by professional falconers with a passion for birds that will thrill the children.


They will be visiting on Wednesday 19th April 2023. We kindly ask for a small fee of £2 per child to contribute towards the experience.


Please speak to your child’s teacher for any further information.


Yours sincerely,




Key Stage 1 Teachers

Everything can be made with machines but nothing compares to something made with hands and the heart.



“To describe my mother would be to write about a hurricane in its perfect power.” – Maya Angelou

Hope you all had a nice half term.

Our topic for this half term is Traditional Tales. We shall be focusing on the following texts;

  • Jack and the Beanstalk
  • Jasper’s Beanstalk
  • The Ugly Duckling
  • The Elves and the Shoemaker

Now the weather is improving, we are looking into the possibility of organising a local trip to Burgess Park to look for the ducklings and swans in Week 3 or 4 of this half term. If you would like to support on this trip, please contact a member of the Reception team.

In maths, we shall be focusing on numbers up to 20. Please practise adding and subtracting using practical objects with your child.

In phonics, we are recapping the Phase 3 sounds and beginning to write simple sentences, using and applying our phonics knowledge.

Also, please remember about the importance of reading at home and recording in the home school diaries. Your support can make such a difference.

Finally, here are some key dates for your diaries;

  • Friday 3rd March – World Book Day
  • Wednesday 29th March – Easter Bonnet Parade


The Reception Team

Safer Internet Day 2023

‘Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online’.

Make time to listen to your children today and make positive change together.

Safer Internet Day 2023 aims to answer the following questions:

  1. What issues really matter to children and young people?
  2. What changes do they want to see?
  3. How can we all work together to advocate for them moving forward?

Here are some tips from the National Online Safety for encouraging open discussions about digital lives:


A few useful links for keeping children safe online:

  • – Online safety advice for parents
  • – Excellent free resources for educators and parents/carers
  • – The Parent Zone
  • – Resources to support parents in making the right digital choices
  • – Useful website offering answers to questions parents and players have about video games age ratings, and other tips to ensure children play safely and responsibly
  • – Pegi website to help parents make informed decisions when buying video games

Dear Challenger,

Next week is mock SATs week. Please use the materials attached to revise and prepare for next week. What are you secure with? What do we still need to learn?

Punctuation and Grammar


Reading- Answer Booklet



Work hard. See you on Monday

We are working on Long Division in maths this week, and it can get tricky!

Use the websites below to help you practise this skill further…

Oak Academy- Long Division
Vimeo- Long Division