This week in Year 5
This week in Year 5 we have continued to study WW1, this week we have written our first draft of our balanced arguments and the outcomes are positive.
In Maths we have begun to look at fractions, all the children have been sent home with login details for Timestables Rockstars which the year 5 team highly recommend for the improving of multiplication skills. These skills will continue to be essential for year 5 and 6 maths and all children have room for improvement in this area.
We continue to practise for the upcoming Christmas performance which will take place on Wednesday the 13th December.
This Friday we enjoyed a trip to the Tate Modern to see El Anatsui’s Behind the Red Moon installation in the Turbine Hall. (photos to follow next week)
Upcoming Events
5/12/2023 – Parents Evening
15/12/2023 – Christmas Performance
21/12/2023 – Last day of Term (School closes at 2pm)
PE needs to be brought in but not worn on Thursdays
Swimming for Calipso will continue 4/12/23