Please see your reading comprehension homework, in the links below, to be completed by Monday (in addition to your usual banded book and reading record activities).
Poetry Reading Revision Mat Non-Fiction Reading Revision Mat Fiction Reading Revision Mat
Good luck,
In Maths, Year 2 have been learning all about Money. We have been looking at coins and notes, adding money and finding change!
Welcome to Spring 1
A warm welcome to Ms Silvan who has joined Hubble class!
Our topic for this term is ‘The United Kingdom‘ and we will be focusing on Geography.
Knowledge organiser for the topic: Spring 1 The UK Knowledge organiser
Here is the curriculum homework. We look forward to seeing the beautiful work and projects completed by the children throughout the term
Please note: Hubble class PE day is now on Fridays
Topic – this term is based on Queen Elizabeth II – we will focus on History, Geography, Computing and Design and Technology.
Please look at the homework overview on what you can work on that is linked to our topic. We have amazing ideas ready for you. Homework is due back on a Monday every week.
Maths – we are continuing to work on addition and focus more on subtraction over the next few weeks.
Science – we are learning about Animals including Humans. Our main focus will be the human body and the five different senses
RE – we are going to focus on Hinduism and our big question is What is means to be a Hindu.
PSHE – we are going to learn about Dreams and Goals and would like to focus on ourselves.
Please continue to read with your child everyday and sign their reading records. Make sure to read the E-books online and sign your reading record with the name of the book and the date.
Thank you for attending our class workshare assembly. It was lovely to see so many of parents/carers. We hope you enjoyed it.
Thank you for your continued support.
Year 1 Team
Happy New Year from all the Team in Reception!
Our topic for this half term is Healthy Living. We are learning about the importance of looking after our teeth and having a balanced and nutritious diet. Please remember to complete the weekly activities in the home learning book. Furthermore, here are some links of activities you can do with your child to support their learning;
Sorting Healthy and Unhealthy food and drink
In Phonics, we are now continuing to work on the Phase 3 sounds and we are continuing to learn our tricky words. Please familiarise yourself with the resources to aid your child at home;
Phase 3 Tricky Words Song Say Hello To – YouTube
In Maths, we are continuing to cement our knowledge of numbers up to 10. Please practise adding and subtracting with your child and focusing on the number bonds. Here are some ideas to help;
I Know My Number Bonds 5 | Number Bonds to 5 | Addition Song for Kids | Jack Hartmann – YouTube
We are currently learning about prime numbers, and then will be moving on to square and cube numbers in maths this week.
What’s a prime number? How many of the prime numbers between 0 and 100 can you recall?
What’s a square/cube number?
Dear Challenger,
Please see an assortment of tasks below to keep your brain stimulated over the holidays, and get you ready for your return in January!
You can complete them in any order that you wish.
Record your answers in your respective homework books: if it’s a maths activity, then it goes in your maths book. If it’s a writing/reading/SPAG activity, then it goes in your LAtC homework book.
Be sure to spread the activities out over the holiday-don’t do them all at once!
Task 1- Writing Task- Continue the story.
Task 5- Non Fiction Comprehension
Task 7: SPAG Test Click on the attached link to complete the test in a Google Form (You don’t need to write the answers out in your LAtC book- just type straight into the Google Form).
Task 8- Maths- Addition and Subtraction Revision and Practice
Homework is due on Wednesday 4th January 2023.
Wishing you a restful break, a very merry Christmas, and a happy new year. See you in 2023!
Miss M
Dear Challenger,
As discussed in class, please see your homework for this weekend below:
- Spelling/grammar– Please complete Oak Academy’s lessons 1-4 in the link below:
Then complete the sheet in your red homework book afterwards too.
2. Maths– Please watch the video below to help you complete this week’s maths homework sheet in your yellow book (related multiplication facts).
Maths- Related Multiplication Facts
All homework is to be handed in on Monday 12th December. If there is a legitimate reason as to you why you have not been able to complete your homework, then a signed letter from your adult at home explaining why is to be brought in on Monday.
Miss M
Please see attached the poster for the school Winter Fair on 13.12.2022 from 3:15pm – 5pm