Hey Year 6,
Use the attached Verb Tenses poster to help you learn/remember the difference between verb tenses.
What patterns can you spot? How can you help yourself remember the differences? Could you create a mnemonic or acronym?
Good luck!
Hey Year 6,
Use the attached Verb Tenses poster to help you learn/remember the difference between verb tenses.
What patterns can you spot? How can you help yourself remember the differences? Could you create a mnemonic or acronym?
Good luck!
Year 2 went on a trip to visit London Landmarks. We took the 343 bus and visited the Shard. It was taller than most of us expected! We then walked over London Bridge and saw the Monument for the Great Fire of London. We really loved seeing the landscapes we learnt so much about! We then trodded to the Tower of London which ‘looked like a huge castle’. Finally, we crossed Tower Bridge, looked out across the Thames and got on a bus back to school. It was an eye-opening adventure. Now, we are going to write all about it…
In Year 2 we have been writing about Brazil and their human/physical features. Take a look at our amazing work!
Dear Parents and Carers,
We have been very busy this term learning about Queen Elizabeth II and a journey Into The Woods. The children have thoroughly enjoyed both topics immensely and had great fun.
Our Topic focus books this term are:
Have a look at the Hansel and Gretel song:
For Art we made sure to look at the famous artist called Henri Matisse and made our own version of the snail from 1952 -1953.
Science – we continued Animals Including Humans and worked on our understanding of Carnivore, Herbivores and Omnivores.
Our Maths focus for this term has been Measurement:
PSHE – We have learnt about keeping healthy and safe. Our topic was called Healthy Me.
RE – We revisited Christianity and focused on what is means to belong.
We have celebrated World Book Day and focused on the book called Flotsom by David Wiesner.
As time is flying by we wanted to remind the year 1 Parents and Carers about the Phonics screening check coming in June. The children will be assessed for their reading and their phonetical awareness. Please read the attached link to help you understand what is expected of your child and let us know if you need any more support with this.
Please continue to read with your child everyday and sign their reading records.
Phonics learning links to use at home:
Looking forward to seeing you at our Parents Evening to discuss your child’s targets.
Year 1 Team
We have been making some beautiful Easter hats and singing some Easter songs in the Early Years. We would love you to come and enjoy our Easter Bonnet Parade on the last day of Term – Friday 1st April at 1.30pm.
See you then!
Dear All,
Friday marked the half-way point in this half term! I’m sure many of you will join me in finding great joy the nearer we get to the summer daylight hours.
Last week was Writing Week so the children were given the opportunity to show off their writing skills in the form of a letter to a friend, based upon the novel we are reading, ‘Ted and his Time-Travelling Toilet: Tudor Tangle’. We saw some wonderful work across the classes, with lots of ambitious vocabulary being used.
In Maths, we started looking at measures and converting units of measure. This is a skill that will continue to be developed over the coming weeks. We had lots of enjoyment in class measuring different objects. Try asking the children what unit of measure is best for measuring different things.
In Science, we made the most of the sun and investigated the question: ‘Do people with longer legs jump further than those with shorter legs?’. This task showed great scientific enquiry.
Finally, it has been so nice hearing the children talking about their reading books from World Book Day. We had so much fun going to the Review book store in Peckham, where each of the children cashed in their tokens to get a free book. Please encourage the children to continue reading and share their love for it.
Let’s keep pushing for the final few weeks of the term!
Mrs Campbell-Whitfield and Mr Ward
Hello all
Thank you for reading our blog! This half term has started fantastically! There has been lots going on inside the school and we are in full momentum for the coming weeks.
This half term, our topic is Tudor Britain. So far, we have explored the Tudor monarchs and the timeline of events through the Tudor era. We also looked at what life was like for children during the Tudor times.
The book we are reading in DR is ‘Ted and his Time-Traveling Toilet: Tudor Tangle’ by Steven Vinacour. It has been going down very well with the classes with lots of laughs!
In Maths, we have been looking at data representations, such as bar charts and tally charts. This is a good skill for the children to begin to analyse and unpick data, particularly helping their reasoning development.
Science this half term looks at the human body and later on we will be looking at plants. They children have been learning about the skeleton and what the purpose is of different bones. Try testing them at home, they have a lot to say!
We have been lucky enough to have had an external yoga instructor come in to complete 3 sessions of yoga, something the children enjoyed very much. We are continuing with our PE curriculum and hopefully as the weather warms up, we will be able to do this outside (fingers crossed!).
This week, we celebrated World Book Day. It was so fun seeing the children in their costumes and sharing their love of reading. We looked at a book by Aaron Becker called ‘Journey’. The children made story boards, predicting new endings and had the opportunity for role play. We also made diary entries from the perspective of the main character.
To finish up, we want to remind parents that they can contact us through Class Dojo, or feel free to talk to us at the end of the day. We also ask that you continue to sign your child’s reading record weekly so we can track what the children are reading at home. Please understand that sometimes the timetable has to change unexpectantly but we endeavour to cover our entire curriculum and are always willing to explain any changes.
Have a great weekend!
This half term our topic is Traditional tales. We have been reading Jack and the beanstalk – planting beans so we can have our own beanstalks!
Our next story is The ugly duckling. The children will learn about being kind to others. They will learn about ducks too.
We will be going on a local trip to the park to look at a pond and the birds. Thursday 17th March – save the date! Parent volunteers are needed.
We are recapping the phase three sounds for phonics. Please continue to read daily with your child. It makes such a difference!
In Maths we are learning about numbers 9 and 10 – how they are are made up. We have also been learning about addition and subtraction. We will explore measures in the last two weeks before Easter.
We look forward to seeing you all for Parents evening on Tuesday 29th March.
Tomorrow is World Book Day and Year 2 are focusing on the book – The Midnight Circus by Petter Collington. We are all very excited to have a fun filled educational reading day tomorrow. We can’t wait to see what characters everyone is dressed up in!
This Spring our Topic is South America. We have begun to research all about South America and prepared our display boards for our amazing work. We have been using Atlases and Globes as well as books for our research. Take a look at our displays!