Welcome back! We hope you had a great rest over the half term break.
This week we are reading a book called “We’re going on a leaf hunt”. The children have been enjoying a range of Autumn activities such as leaf rubbing, nature walks, singing songs about Autumn and going on our first school trip to Lucas gardens on our own leaf hunt. We found some beautiful leaves!
In Phonics we are learning the sounds /h/ /b/ and /f/.
Check your bookbags for the homework to complete over the half term. Choose one activity a week. We can’t wait to see what your children have done at home.
Thank you
From the Reception team
Here is a link to the story

We are very happy to say welcome to year 1 for the Autumn 2 term!

Topicthis term is based on Ourselves – we will focus on history and Design and Technology.

Please look at the homework overview on what you can work on that is linked to our topic. We have amazing ideas ready for you.

Maths –  we are continuing to work on addition and focus more on subtraction over the next few weeks.

Sciencewe are learning about Animals including Humans. Our main focus will be the human body and the five different senses

RE –  we are going to focus on how Christians celebrate Christmas. Our big question for you and your child is What does it mean to belong?

PSHEwe are going to learn about celebrating differences and celebrate the Anti bullying week. This year the Anti-bullying theme is One Kind Word so please focus on using kind words.

PEWe will learn Gymnastics that is set for year 1 ability. The social skill linked to this half term is I can help and play with others and take turns.

Please continue to read with your child everyday and sign their reading records. Homework is given out on every Friday and needs to be returned by every Tuesday.

Thank you for your continued support.

Year 1 Team

It has been a lovely half term and it was so good to meet with you all for the parents’ evening this week. The children are doing so well with their learning.
We are all looking forward to the half term break!
After half term can you please bring in a pair of wellies/boots for your child to wear outside?
With the colder weather we will continue to learn outside so make sure they have nice warm hats and gloves and coats too.
Our topic after the break is Changes. We will be looking at the changes in the seasons. Over the break encourage your child to notice the changes in nature and talk about it. Bring any nice leaves that may fall to the ground, or conkers and acorns too.
Have a restful and healthy half term
From the team in Reception

Dear Parents and Carers,

Once again thank you for your continued support for this term.

We have our Parent’s Evening on Tuesday 19th October and we are looking forward to seeing you all. We will discuss their individual targets with you.

Please see the links below to help your child’s learning.

Learning Links:

Science – Seasons songSeasons Song – YouTube

Maths – Jack Hartman Number Bonds song

I Know My Number Bonds 10 | Number Bonds to 10 | Addition Song for Kids | Jack Hartmann – YouTube

I Know My Number Bonds 5 | Number Bonds to 5 | Addition Song for Kids | Jack Hartmann – YouTube


Phonics – Learn to Read | Three Letter Words | Alphablocks – YouTube

Phonics – Learn to Read | Four Letter Words! | Alphablocks – YouTube

WritingThe Sentence Song | English Songs | Scratch Garden – YouTube

PSHE story about sharing🐟 Kids Book Read Aloud: THE RAINBOW FISH by Marcus Pfister – YouTube

RE Story about HinduismGlobal Wonders: “Raksha Bandhan” – YouTube

We hope you will have a lovely half term week and please have a look at the suggestions of the things you could do with your child.

Peckham Library – Reading for pleasure.

Horniman Museum – https://www.horniman.ac.uk/

Science Museum – https://www.sciencemuseum.org.uk/

Local Parks


Looking forward to seeing you after the half term starting on Monday 1st of November 2021.


Year 1 Team.



Hi all,


We have a book fair until  Thurs 3.30-4.30pm Lower Hall. Please come down and purchase some amazing reads!

Hello! This week we are reading the book ‘Stella brings the family’.
In phonics we are learning these sounds: ck, e, u.
You can help your child by reading their book with them each night – supporting them to recognise the sounds in the words – segmenting and blending them.
In Maths we are learning about shapes and using positional language – such as under, over, next to, in front and behind. You can play games with toys getting them to follow your instructions putting them under/on etc.
It has been wonderful to see their Heritage boxes – the children have loved sharing them and seeing their classmates special boxes.
Remember that Thursday is Stay and Read from 8.45 – 9.15. It was lovely to see the children all enjoying books with their parents/carers last week.

This week in Year 2 we have been learning about the importance of exercise. We timed our resting heart rate and our heart rate after performing different exercises! It was a workout!

Hi Parents and Carers,

Hope this blog finds you all safe and well.

In Science, we have been investigating the best environment for a bean / plant to grow. Please ask your child to tell you about our experiments.


In Topic … We have started to use the well-known tale – Handa’s Surprise.

We have looked at the animals and fruits within the story. We are beginning to teach the children to use … describing words (Adjectives)

For example:

The pineapple is juicy and yellow.

The Zebra is black and white.


In Maths … We have been comparing numbers.

We have been using the vocabulary … ‘greater than’ – ‘less than’ and ‘equal to’

Please find the song that we have been using attached below.




Some reminders…

Please read with your child and sign the reading record book every time you read.

(Please read every day! This will help them to become more confident readers!)

Make sure that your child’s clothing is clearly labelled.

Homework needs to be completed every week and returned before Tuesday of each coming week.


Have a good week!

The Year 1 Team.

Hello All,

Today, we were lucky enough to have Rock Steady deliver workshops for us all. It was great seeing all of the future drummers, singers, keyboard players and guitarists from Year 3 enjoying themselves!

Since the return, we have been very busy and making leaps of progress across the curriculum. In topic, we have been building on our geography skills whilst learning about Kenya which has enabled us to write tourist leaflets so be sure to ask your own personal tour guides at home all about Kenya! In theme with our topic, we have been reading Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters and Lila and the Secret of Rain in our reading lessons. In Maths, we have been focusing on place value and the children have been learning how to represent 3-digit numbers. In Science, we have been learning about the different food groups and what constitutes a traditionally balanced diet.

Going forwards, we will be preparing to write a piece of descriptive writing about the day in the life of a child in Kenya, developing the necessary skills needed for this task. In Maths, we will be learning to add and subtract with 3-digit numbers.

Just as a reminder, our PE day is Wednesday, so please try to come in to school in a PE kit on Wednesdays only. We also ask that you continue to practice spellings at home and listen to your child read daily, recording all responses in the reading record.

Have a lovely weekend and let’s keep the positive energy flowing for the coming weeks!


Mrs Campbell-Whitfield and Mr Ward

Please stay and read in class with your child every Thursday morning. From 8.45 – 9.15
Looking forward to seeing you