Just a quick message from the year 4 team to say that it has been an absolute pleasure these last few weeks getting to know the children and we look forward to the rest of the year!
A little reminder that P.E. days for Pioneer are Fridays and for Hubble are Wednesdays, and that both classes have spelling tests on Wednesdays.
Here’s a brief outline of what year 4 are learning this term:
Maths: Focusing on Number and Place Value. Children are learning to represent numbers to 10,000 including being able to recognise the value of each digit according to their position in the number. We have also been focusing on learning our times tables and we have been practising our 5 and 10 times tables.
Reading: This term we will be introducing the children to all the essential reading skills needed in Destination Reader. We have been reading a book called The Queen of Darkness by Tony Bradman which the children are thoroughly enjoying so far.
Learning Across the Curriculum: The children have been learning all about the Roman Empire and the invasion of Britain. It has been great to see the children so engaged and this is represented in their homework as well. What great shields have been created! 😀
Science: ELECTRICITY! This term we are focusing on electricity and will be constructing a simple series electrical circuit to further our knowledge and use scientific evidence to answer questions or to support out findings.
Curriculum homework- Romans
Attached is the topic homework that the children are expected to complete once a week. Please remind them to do so.
We look forward to updating you on the children’s learning soon!
Thank you.
Year 4 team 🙂