As the months begin to get colder, I kindly request that all parents bring in a jacket or coat for their child to wear when we are outside. Please also remember to label any hats, scarves, or gloves, and it’s best to place these inside the arm of a coat or jacket to prevent them from falling out.

We have had a fabulous week in nursery! The children are really enjoying the role-play area and learning all about Autumn. We have been reading the book ‘Little Acorn’ this week and the children have enjoyed talking about what they can see. They have been discovering the many changes that take place as the months grow colder and the trees shed their leaves. We have also been working extremely hard on our communication and turn-taking skills. The children are improving greatly each day.

Thank you very much for your continued support.



It has been an excellent start to year 2, and we have had so much fun getting to know each other!

We have had a great start to the year learning about the United Kingdom and some of it’s most interesting landmarks. The children wrote a wonderful, descriptive piece of writing about these landmarks.

In math’s, we have been looking at place value and have used practical resources to support the children’s learning.

Just a gentle reminder, homework is given out on Friday’s and needs to be handed in by the following Tuesday. Every child has a reading record and this must be signed before we can change their books. Reading at home is extremely important, so please encourage your child to read every day if possible.

We look forward to the great year ahead.

The Year 2 Team


We have been learning about the story So Much. We have made hats and sandwiches and playdough this week.

This week in Year 5

This week the children in year 5 have been using they newly learned skills to create extended write where they describe an alien planet. The year 5 classes enjoyed their trip to London’s Science Museum where they got to see a lot of interesting objects first hand.

All children have been given homework which is due on Tuesday, Homework will be set on Fridays and due in the following Tuesday every week. The expectation is that the LAC work in their red homework books be completed to a good standard, at least 30 minutes being spent on a task weekly.

Also children have been given banded books and reading records to complete tasks weekly, reading at home continues to be a very important part of developing skills for year 5 and 6.




PE kits needs to be brought in but not worn on Tuesdays


We have had a wonderful start to our term and have enjoyed getting to know our new friends who have recently joined Cosmic class!

Our topic this term has been ” All About Me.” In our topic sessions, we have been learning about the different parts of the body using songs and flash cards as well trying to learn the different months of year. We have been talking about our birthdays and what we like to do to celebrate. All of us love presents and birthday cake the best!

In Art we have got creative and have painted self portraits of ourselves. In Sensory play we made cloud slime and really enjoyed putting our hands in and getting messy!

We have been learning our clean up song and now when it starts we all try our best to tidy the classroom.

We are looking forward to the next few weeks in Cosmic Class where we will be having a birthday party for our favourite stuffed toys and making jelly!

Watch this space for more Cosmic updates!

Welcome to year 4’s blog. We have had a great start to the year learning about The Romans and how they built their empire. The children have also been developing their writing skills and have written a report on ‘Life as a Roman Soldier’ this week. In maths, we have used lots of practical resources to make sure that we have a good understanding of place value.



Here is to another good week!

Thank you for all your continued support.



I hope you find some of these learning links useful

Click for a wide range of free online Phonics games.

Click for a huge selection of free Phonics songs.

Click for all episodes of the free CBeebies show Alphablocks.


Click for a wide range of free online Maths games.

Click for a huge selection of free Maths songs.

Click for all episodes of the free CBeebies show Numberblocks.


This will support you in consolidating your child’s learning.

Many thanks,

The Reception Team

This week we have been looking at the story of ‘ So Much’ by Trish Cooke. It is a lovely story all about families. The children have been sharing all their family stories and tales! The children have finished our welcome display. It has been displayed on our classroom windows. Please try and find your child’s portrait!

We are continuing to learn counting songs and write our names as part of our daily routines.

Next week, we shall begin learning our sounds!

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind Regards,

The Reception Team

Times Tables Rockstars & Numbots

Please be on the lookout for your children bringing home their log in details to access Times Tables Rock Stars and Numbots.

Link for TTRS here

Link for Numbots here

These are fun websites where children can improve their multiplication and division facts, as well as improve their addition, subtraction and number bonds understanding in a fun, gamified way.

  • Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS) helps children master multiplication tables through fun, competitive games that enhance their recall and fluency. It’s interactive and highly engaging, making learning feel like a game.
  • NumBots focuses on addition and subtraction, promoting conceptual understanding and fluency in basic number skills. Its storytelling and gamified challenges motivate children to practice daily.

Both websites provide structured, personalized learning that complements in-class learning at home.

Proficiency in early mathematical skills is crucial for primary-aged children because it forms the foundation for more complex problem-solving and reasoning in later years. Developing a strong grasp of basic math concepts like number sense, addition, subtraction, and multiplication helps children build confidence and fluency. These early skills also promote logical thinking, pattern recognition, and the ability to apply mathematics in everyday life. Strong math abilities contribute to academic success across subjects and foster critical thinking, which is essential for lifelong learning and decision-making.

We would therefore encourage you to support your child’s maths learning by allocating some regular time for practice at home. Thank you.

Emotion Explorer

Rebecca, Charlotte and Dilshad from Southwark Mental Health Support Team (MHST), run by Groundwork London, are working at Oliver Goldsmith Primary on Friday mornings.
This term, they are delivering Emotion Explorers with the two Year 3 classes. Emotion Explorers consists of six sessions aimed at helping children learn more about their feelings and the Zones of Regulation. Each week, they will focus on a different zone of regulation. They will be teaching the children different strategies and skills to help them with their emotional regulation. At the end of the six weeks, the children will bring their Emotion Explorers folders home, so you can see what they have learned!
Ask your children to tell you all about their sessions!