It has been so lovely to have the new nursery children join our school this September. We are excited and so happy to welcome them in and support their learning through play, singing, carpet sessions, indoor and outdoor activities. The children will be using this term to enhance their speaking/listening skills, turn taking and of course settle into their new classroom.

Please remember to bring in lots of spare clothes for your children and a water bottle. If you need assistance in getting any of these items, we are more than happy to help you.

Thank you,

The Nursery Team





This week in Year 5

The new year 5 classes have made a great start to their year, already completing great work enjoying being back in school. Children have learned the expectations in year 5 and quickly familiarised themselves with the class routines. Both classes created some cleverly mathematical art using tangrams and learned how to do effective reading at home.

All children have been given homework which is due on Tuesday the 10th, Homework will be set on Fridays and due in the following Tuesday every week.

Also children have been given banded books and reading records to complete tasks weekly, reading at home is a very important part of developing skills for year 5 and 6.



PE kits needs to be brought in but not worn on Tuesdays

Please have a look at this important flyer below.

A polite reminder that our Nursery opens every morning at 8.45am and finishes at 3pm.

Attendance leaflet 1

Welcome to the Nursery Blog

We hope you had a wonderful summer!

This is where we will be putting information, links for learning websites and photos of what your children have been doing in school.

Check back here each week for updates

From the Nursery team

It has been a fab year in Nursery! We have been busy making friends and developing our speaking and listening skills. We have had so much fun playing indoors, outdoors and exploring in our garden. The children have loved playing with playdough, making things out of junk modelling and messy play! Recently, we had a great time doing our sports day, class parties and our assembly! We know our nursery children are so ready for Reception, they are all SUPERSTARS!!! We wish them all the best going forward. Thank you to all the parents for your ongoing support. It means so much to us. We will miss all of the children from Nursery.

A polite reminder that the last day of summer term is Friday 19th July at 2pm. Have a wonderful safe, peaceful and happy holiday.

All the best,

Nursery Team



As we come to the close of our Reception year, we know that parents and carers are thinking towards how they can support their child over the summer for Year 1. We have been working throughout Summer Term to prepare the children for their transition. Please read the below information to help you support your child.


Please join us for this special occasion.

You are welcome to bring friends and family.

See you there 🙂

Please can you kindly contribute the following items, as we celebrate end of summer term with the children. The children can wear their own clothes. The party will be on Tuesday 16th July @1.30pm where we will have nibbles, games and a dance.

  • Paper plates
  • Crisps
  • Squash or Juice (Cartons only please)
  • Biscuits
  • Cakes /cupcakes (separate/individual)
  • Crackers
  • Fruits
  • Serviettes
  • Cereal bars

Please remember we are a nut-free school, so please remember to check all packaging!

Thanks in advance!