Hi Parents and Carers,

Hope this blog finds you all safe and well.

In Science, we have been investigating the best environment for a bean / plant to grow. Please ask your child to tell you about our experiments.


In Topic … We have started to use the well-known tale – Handa’s Surprise.

We have looked at the animals and fruits within the story. We are beginning to teach the children to use … describing words (Adjectives)

For example:

The pineapple is juicy and yellow.

The Zebra is black and white.


In Maths … We have been comparing numbers.

We have been using the vocabulary … ‘greater than’ – ‘less than’ and ‘equal to’

Please find the song that we have been using attached below.




Some reminders…

Please read with your child and sign the reading record book every time you read.

(Please read every day! This will help them to become more confident readers!)

Make sure that your child’s clothing is clearly labelled.

Homework needs to be completed every week and returned before Tuesday of each coming week.


Have a good week!

The Year 1 Team.

Dear Parents and Carers,

We wanted you to know that the children have had a fantastic start to year 1 and hope that they have started to share their wonderful learning with you.

Year 1 PE lesson is on Tuesday so the children can come in wearing their PE kits. It is important that they have their PE kit as PE is a curriculum requirement.

Your child will have 2 Phonics and 1 banded reading book every week so please read with your child (everyday) and sign in their reading records for us to check as well.

Have a look at the Phonic 2 and 3 tricky words link below to help your child remember them.


Phonic phase 2 – Tricky Words and Sight Words Song – YouTube


Phonic phase 3Phase 3 Tricky Words Song Say Hello To – YouTube


Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately according to the weather.


Thank you for your continued support!

Year 1 Team



We are excited and looking forward to meeting you all on Monday 6th September 2021.

This term in year 1 we will be learning about Amazing Africa focusing on geographical facts about Nigeria. For Maths we will focus on Place Value and number bonds and in Science we will learn about Plants. We will continue to post more information each week.

Miss Ellery – Aura  Class Teacher

Ms Bas – Opportunity Class Teacher

Ms Perry and Mrs Harlow – Year 1 LSA’s

Have a go at completing some musical tasks for your homework, just click the link below.

Music HW Mancini

Click the link below and let the story unfold as you take a  walk with your family and friends. There are lots of activities to join in with and trails to follow this is a fun way to engage with stories while on the move.



This is a fun song to dance to that incorporates the names and actions of instruments.

Lindsey is an American music educator who has uploaded full music classes on her Youtube Channel click the link to join in.