This week in Year 5

This week in Year 5 we are continuing to study The Great Plague in out LAC lessons. As part of this work we have been doing an extended write where we are writing a newspaper report imagining that it is May 1665 in the middle of plague in London. Children have applied a range of skills to draft, edit and publish excellent newspaper reports.

Also this week the children have been learning about their emotions and how to regulate them in a program of learning run by external professionals called Brain Buddies.

This summer term we are lucky enough to have coaches coming into the school on Friday afternoons to teach the children cricket skills.



Parents Evening on the 15th of May with some meetings being held on other days during the week

PE kits needs to be brought in but not worn on Tuesdays and Fridays

Reading Records need to be brought in Monday and Friday with 3 tasks being completed each week. Children should be practicing their reading every night and benefit from discussing what they are reading with adults.

This week in Year 5

This week in Year 5 we are continuing to study North America learning in detail about the physical geography of the Grand Canyon and how animals adapt to live there. As part of this we are considering what descriptive words are most effective in describing. Access to a wide vocabulary benefits children greatly in their writing and this can be developed through regular reading and discussing of books.

In Maths we have been doing assessments to draw attention to gaps in understanding. Many children did very well however all children have room to improve their maths through revision and home and practicing times tables.


Last day of term 28/3/24 – school day finishes at 2pm

PE kits needs to be brought in but not worn on Tuesdays

Reading Records need to be brought in Monday and Friday with 3 tasks being completed each week. Children should be practicing their reading every night and benefit from discussing what they are reading with adults.


Grand Canyon in Arizona, USA | Franks Travelbox




This week in Year 5

This week in Year 5 we are continuing to study North America learning about the different countries and biomes that exist within the continent. As part of this Language we are practicing use figurative language to describe and developing synonyms for common words like big and pretty.

In Maths we have been working with fractions. Comparing and converting so they can be easily worked with. Fractions are closely linked to Timestables and we suggest children use Times Tables Rockstars to support their learning in class.

As part of the LAC topic we went to The Horniman Museum. The trip was to support our learning about North America and we saw many artifacts from the continent.


PE kits needs to be brought in but not worn on Tuesdays

Reading Records need to be brought in Monday and Friday with 3 tasks being completed each week. Children should be practicing their reading every night and benefit from discussing what they are reading with adults.

Half Term Days 2-5 Horniman Museum, Morden Hall Park and Being Lazy ...


Welcome back to Spring 2.


We hope you all had a lovely half term and were able to get some rest.

Year 5 have already been working so hard in maths continuing their journey through fractions and consolidating their times tables skills. Please ensure your child is still revising their times tables as it will help them all feel confident in their learning.

This term for Topic we have started learning about North America. We were so glad to see such amazing projects produced by some children over the half term and look forward to learning all the amazing, interesting facts about the countries in NA, which we have already started to do.

Thank you in advance for your continuous support with reading records and homework.


P.E. has now changed for both classes to Tuesday so can children bring their P.E kits in.

Have a lovely weekend,

Year 5 team 🙂


Nearly there…

Hi Parents of year 5,

Only 1 week left till yet another half term!

The children in year 5 have been enjoying learning about the Maya and their cultures. It has been a very interesting topic to discuss with the children as they were very intrigued by the Maya’s lifestyle and even more so the history behind the Spaniards coming to enslave them.

In math, the children have been learning to divide and use their number knowledge to improve the speed in which they divide 4 digit numbers by 2 digit numbers. It is essential the children continue to practise their times tables at home for a continued improvement in their accuracy.


Attached there are some activities some of you may like to attend from the community! Family learning February 2024 (2)

We hope you have a lovely weekend!

All the best,

Year 5 Team 🙂

Happy New Year and welcome back to Spring Term

This week in Year 5

This week in Year 5 we are continuing to study the Ancient Maya learning about their place in history and location in the world. As part of this Language we are practicing use figurative language to describe.

In Maths we have been looking and division and multiplication methods, and the importance of strong times table skills. Children are encouraged to use Times Tables Rockstars regularly to support with this

As part of the school computing curriculum Year 5 are using computers to program Raspberry PI boards with simple coding using a framework called Crumble. They have been changing the colour of RGB LED lights, powering simple motors and controlling functions using switches and buttons.


PE kits needs to be brought in but not worn on Thursdays

Ulysses will be swimming until the end of term, and need their kits every Monday


Finally time for a break!

Firstly wishing all the families and friends of Year 5 a lovely Christmas break and an excellent new year! Hopefully it is a very restful and wholesome break!

A little recap on this past week,
Congratulations to the children for the wonderful Christmas performance! So lovely to see such a big support from all of you as well.

Year 5, Calipso had an amazing time at the South London Gallery where they went to see a exhibition of installation art from prominent artist Pope L. They created their own art works in small groups and learnt about representation in modern art. A great time was had!!

Meanwhile, Ulysses were getting their funk on with their class Christmas party where we witnessed some amazing dance moves and ate till we couldn’t anymore!

Overall a very lovely and wholesome week!!

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Year 5 Ulysses will be starting swimming on the first day back – 8.01.24

Children to bring in a Towel, Swimming costume (no bikinis), swimming cap, flip flops

 This week in Year 5

This week in Year 5 we have continued to study WW1, next week we will be writing diary entries as English soldiers living in the trenches. As part of this learning all children have been set LAC tasks which they should have been completing all half term.

In maths we are continuing working with Fractions, as part of preparing children for SATs and supporting their access to learning we are recommending 15 minutes of Timestables Rockstars everyday and will be checking children are completing this. These skills will continue to be essential for year 5 and 6 maths and all children have room for improvement in this area.

We continue to practise for the upcoming Christmas performance which will take place on Tuesday the 19th December.

Upcoming Events

19/12/2023 – Christmas Performance

21/12/2023 – Last day of Term (School closes at 2pm)


PE needs to be brought in but not worn on Thursdays

Swimming for Calipso has finished for the Year, Swimming for Ulysses will start in January on the first Monday Back

This week in Year 5

This week in Year 5 we have continued to study WW1, this week we have written our first draft of our balanced arguments and the outcomes are positive.

In Maths we have begun to look at fractions, all the children have been sent home with login details for Timestables Rockstars which the year 5 team highly recommend for the improving of multiplication skills. These skills will continue to be essential for year 5 and 6 maths and all children have room for improvement in this area.

We continue to practise for the upcoming Christmas performance which will take place on Wednesday the 13th December.

This Friday we enjoyed a trip to the Tate Modern to see El Anatsui’s Behind the Red Moon installation in the Turbine Hall. (photos to follow next week)

Upcoming Events

5/12/2023 – Parents Evening

15/12/2023 – Christmas Performance

21/12/2023 – Last day of Term (School closes at 2pm)


PE needs to be brought in but not worn on Thursdays

Swimming for Calipso will continue 4/12/23