Year 6 have had an amazing first day at PGL, enjoying the Zipwire, Giant Swing & Survivor activities. We thoroughly enjoyed dinner 😋, and ended the day with a competitive game of Capture the Flag. Time for bed now as we have a very early start tomorrow!

Hi Year 6,

Here are the songs that you will sing in your play. There is a copy with vocals (people singing) and without vocals. Listen and sing along to the version with vocals first. Once you are confident, practise using the version without vocals.

Have a lovely weekend!


Reach For The Sky

Can I Borrow Some Shorts?

Boy That’s Bound To Itch

My Dad’s Faster Than Your Dad

Swimming Today

Left Till Last

The Best That I Can Be

Dear Parents/Carers,

Challenger class will be having an extra PE lesson on Wednesday 22nd June. Please ensure your child is wearing their PE kit to school tomorrow.

Many thanks!

Dear Parents/Carers,

Please see the recommended packing list below for the upcoming year 6 residential to PGL. Any questions, please do not hesitate to ask one of us at the end of the school day.

Many thanks,

Ms Maitland and Ms Montague

Hi Year 6,

Well done for your hard work this week.

Use the poster below to help you with your knowledge of contractions.

Good luck!

Year 6,

Use the posters below to help you learn personal and possessive pronouns

Possessive Pronouns

Personal Pronouns

Hi Year 6,

Use the attached poster to help you memorise common determiners.

Hey Year 6,

Well done for working so hard this week. Have a look at the two posters below to help you with your revision of angles and remembering possessive pronouns.

Can you come up with a way to remember the names of different types of angles?

Remember, possessive pronouns are used to show who owns, or can be linked to, an item. It is their possession.

Have a great weekend!

Hey Year 6,

Use the attached Verb Tenses poster to help you learn/remember the difference between verb tenses.

What patterns can you spot? How can you help yourself remember the differences? Could you create a mnemonic or acronym?


Good luck!