We look forward to seeing the outstanding homework children complete for this term’s topic: Through the Ages -Stone Age to Iron Age. We have already seen some excellent drawings of prehistoric beasts!

Here’s the homework grid: Curriculum homework- Through the Ages

Have a look at the knowledge organiser here: Knowledge organiser The Stone Age

Today we had loads of fun on our local trip to Lucas gardens.  The weather was sunny and the children were able to find lots of beautiful leaves to bring back to school.  We will be using them in school to make lots of lovely leaf art!  Watch this space for what the children produce.

We also want to say a massive THANK YOU to the wonderful parents who came along to help.  You were amazing!

Here are some photos from our trip for you to enjoy.

On Friday 17th November we will be wearing spots and donating £1 to support Children in Need.

The nursery children having been reading the book Owl babies this week. Through interactive and age-appropriate activities, they have delved into the fascinating world of these nocturnal creatures. From story sessions that introduce the adventures of owl babies to hands-on crafts replicating owl nests, the children have learned about the unique characteristics and habits of these feathered friends. Ask your children at home a few questions about the book. What happens in the story ? What are the names of the owls ? Which owl do you like and why ?

In our last two Science lessons, Year 4 have been learning about how sound is produced by vibrations. We have carried out some simple investigations to see and feel sound vibrations. We also looked at how to change the speed of vibrations and explored how this effects the frequency of a sound.

The investigations we tried were:

  • Putting our fingers on our throat whilst talking
  • Speaking to our partner through a balloon
  • Putting rice on a drum and seeing how the rice moved
  • Changing the length of a ruler before letting go

Maybe you could try some of these at home!


In topic we have been researching the Arctic and Antarctica. The pupils did some amazing research in their homework and made some beautiful posters. In class we have been reading ‘The Emperor’s Egg’ which is about the life cycle of a penguin. The children have really enjoyed the book and will have a chance at writing their own lifecycles this week.


In math’s we have been using building blocks to make objects and count how many blocks we have used. The children have really enjoyed carrying out this activity. We have been using numbers in our songs, in our play and outside when playing with our friends. Please continue to support your child with counting at home and get them involved when going out shopping!

The children are independently accessing our reading corner and enjoying retelling stories. This is amazing to see and we encourage all parents to read with your child everyday. Reading promotes the use of everyday language, vocabulary and opens up their imagination. We have been very impressed with how the children are able to sit on the carpet and listen to stories being read out by an adult. We have also been doing lots of circle times to promote good speaking and listening skills. The children are developing lots of language everyday!