This week we are learning about recycling.  Check out the home learning activities you can try at home.


Home Learning 16.05.23


Have FREE fun for all the family this half term, as part of the Powerful Plants courses.

There will be stories, games and crafts to do as well as some gardening! 🦚

Please see flyer for booking info

Elusive Opportunities flyer

If you are a Black parent in Southwark and would like to get involved in a community initiative, please click on the link to find out more.

Due to Year 6 SATS – Falconry UK will be visiting us on the 18th May 2023!

Dear Parents/ carers

Please click here to access the latest newsletter.

Have a wonderful bank holiday weekend and we look forward to welcoming you back to school on Wednesday the 3rd of May after the industrial strike action on the 2nd of May.

Kindest regards,

Miss Thangarajah

I would like to welcome our new children who have joined Reception this term.  They are settling in well and have made some new friends.

Our topic is Earth and Beyond.  We have been learning about Mae Jameson, who was the first Black African American woman to go to space.  We have been very busy making rockets, aliens and planets.

In Maths we are learning our numbers beyond 10.  We are learning 1 more, 1 less and how to add sets of objects above 10.  We are also learning our shapes and how to measure length and weight.

Next week we are having an Oral health workshop, look out for the oral hygiene kits we will be sending home.

Please continue to read daily with your child, it makes such a difference to their learning!  

Thank you to all the parents who came to support us as we performed in the Easter Bonnet Parade! We spent a long time working hard to learn the words and actions to our songs. Please enjoy some pictures from the event…

Happy Easter 2023 love from Sputnik Nursery

PLEASE note that the 2023 Key Stage 2 SATs were originally due to start on Monday 8th May 2023 but this has been shuffled back by one day to Tuesday 9th May due to the extra bank holiday for the King’s coronation.

Date Exam
Tuesday 9 May 2023 Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling – Paper 1
Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling – Paper 2
Wednesday 10 May 2023 English Reading
Thursday 11 May 2023 Maths Paper 1 (Arithmetic)
Maths Paper 2 (Reasoning)
Friday 12 May 2023 Maths Paper 3 (Reasoning)

Unfortunately this does mean that pupils will be taking their national assessment tests immediately after a bank holiday, possibly impacting attainment.

Year 2 have been learning about Nocturnal Animals. We have a visitor coming soon and wrote down some questions to ask about his birds. We can’t wait to see them. Take a look at the questions!




Please see the attached letter about the upcoming Teacher strike dates which will mean two more days of the school being closed on Thursday 27th April and Tuesday 2nd May.

Thank you

Strike 3 and 4