On Thursday 20th June, year 4 took part in an under 9’s cricket competition playing against 14 other schools from Peckham, Walworth and Camberwell. The teams all played a number of matches and it was a lovely day. One of our teams even made it through to the final after winning all of their matches and were declared the overall winners of the day!

Every child who took part in the tournament deserves a huge congratulations for their efforts and excellent sportsmanship and a huge congratulations to the overall winners too.

We are excited to invite parents to join us for our end of term assembly at 9:30 AM on July 15, 2024. During the assembly, we will share highlights of what we have learned this year and perform a special song about friendship.

The song is called ‘Count on me’ by Bruno Mars. Here are the lyrics below for you to practise with your child at home.

If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the seaI’ll sail the world to find youIf you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can’t seeI’ll be the light to guide you
We’ll find out what we’re made ofWhen we are called to help our friends in need
You can count on me like one, two, threeI’ll be thereAnd I know when I need it, I can count on you like four, three, twoAnd you’ll be there‘Cause that’s what friends are supposed to do, oh, yeahOoh-ooh-ooh-oohOoh-ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh, yeah, yeah
If you tossin’ and you’re turnin’ and you just can’t fall asleepI’ll sing a song beside youAnd if you ever forget how much you really mean to meEvery day I will remind you, oh
We’ll find out what we’re made ofWhen we are called to help our friends in need
You can count on me like one, two, threeI’ll be thereAnd I know when I need it, I can count on you like four, three, twoAnd you’ll be there‘Cause that’s what friends are supposed to do, oh, yeahOoh-ooh-ooh-oohOoh-ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh, yeah, yeah
You’ll always have my shoulder when you cryI’ll never let go, never say goodbyeYou know
You can count on me like one, two, threeI’ll be thereAnd I know when I need it I can count on you like four, three, twoAnd you’ll be there‘Cause that’s what friends are supposed to do, oh, yeahOoh-ooh-ooh-oohOoh-ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh
You can count on me ’cause I can count on you



Our nursery’s sports day was an incredible success, filled with fun, excitement, and unforgettable moments. The children displayed fantastic energy and enthusiasm, participating in various activities that showcased their developing physical skills and team spirit. Thank you to all the parents who turned up and supported their child.

Welcome to the summer term! 

We’re stepping through the ages all the way back to ancient Egypt and learning all about this civilisation that developed along the banks of River Nile. We will learn about pharaohs,  pyramids, temples, mummies, gods and goddesses, hieroglyphic writing and much more


We had a go at mummifying some tomatoes to help us understand how the ancient Egyptians prepared mummies for the afterlife.

Summer 2 homework: Curriculum homework- Tomb Raiders

We are looking forward to our upcoming trip to the British Museum and as always, sharing this experience with some of the parents/carers who join us.

Please join us for our annual Sports day which will take place next Tuesday 18th June at 9.30am in the front playground. We would really appreciate it if you could dress your child with appropriate sports clothes and trainers the next few days as we practice sports day activities in school. The children can wear comfortable sports shoes and clothes that they are happy running in!

Thank you,

Nursery Team

This term, our nursery children will focus on enhancing their reading skills, specifically learning Phase 2 sounds in phonics in order to prepare them for Reception in September 2024. Each child has been given a reading bag containing a reading book, a book of their choice and a reading record. Please read with your child every night and make a comment on the reading journal. The book bags will be changed weekly every Wednesday, so please ensure that your child brings their books, reading journal, and reading bag to school on that day. 

Thank you,

Nursery Team

Dear Parents,

Welcome to the summer term! This term, our nursery children will embark on an exciting journey learning about the fascinating world under the sea and the various animals that inhabit it. For physical development, we will focus on balancing skills and practice numerous activities in preparation for sports day. We look forward to a fun and enriching term ahead!

The Nursery Team

Sports Day

Our Sports Day will be on Tuesday 18th June. Parents and carers are invited to come and support the children.


Diversity Picnic

On Friday 5th July, the children will be celebrating themselves. We will be having a picnic in the afternoon and the children can wear their own clothes. We want to celebrate our diversity by sharing our cultures, pride, languages, and individuality. Children can wear traditional dress, a colour they love, rainbows or whatever they feel comfortable in. We welcome any snacks or traditional finger food to be shared with the children on this day – no nuts or nut products please.


Graduation Celebration

Reception will be celebrating the end of their Early Years journey on Monday 15th July at 9:30am. Parents and carers are invited to come and see the children perform some special songs and receive their certificates.


Last Day of School

The last day of the school year will be Friday 19th July – school closes at 2pm.

We hope that you all had a lovely break! 

Our topic this term is Toys. We will look at old and new toys, discussing the similarities and differences between them. Throughout this topic, our key books are…



As we look towards September and the transition to Year 1, our Literacy and Maths focus for this half term will be around the Early Learning Goals.


Comprehension ELG Children at the expected level of development will:

Demonstrate understanding of what has been read to them by retelling stories and narratives using their own words and recently introduced vocabulary;

Anticipate – where appropriate – key events in stories;

Use and understand recently introduced vocabulary during discussions about stories, non-fiction, rhymes and poems and during role-play.

Word Reading ELG Children at the expected level of development will: 

Say a sound for each letter in the alphabet and at least 10 digraphs;

Read words consistent with their phonic knowledge by sound-blending;

Read aloud simple sentences and books that are consistent with their phonic knowledge, including some common exception words.

Writing ELG Children at the expected level of development will:

Write recognisable letters, most of which are correctly formed;

Spell words by identifying sounds in them and representing the sounds with a letter or letters;

Write simple phrases and sentences that can be read by others.


Number ELG Children at the expected level of development will:

Have a deep understanding of number to 10, including the composition of each number;

Subitise (recognise quantities without counting) up to 5;

Automatically recall (without reference to rhymes, counting or other aids) number bonds up to 5 (including subtraction facts) and some number bonds to 10, including double facts.

Numerical Patterns ELG Children at the expected level of development will:

Verbally count beyond 20, recognising the pattern of the counting system;

Compare quantities up to 10 in different contexts, recognising when one quantity is greater than, less than or the same as the other quantity;

Explore and represent patterns within numbers up to 10, including evens and odds, double facts and how quantities can be distributed equally.

We are holding open days to showcase our wonderful school if you are looking for Nursery or Reception places for 2024, please come along for a visit, all the details can be found below.