Hello! This week we are reading the book ‘Stella brings the family’.
In phonics we are learning these sounds: ck, e, u.
You can help your child by reading their book with them each night – supporting them to recognise the sounds in the words – segmenting and blending them.
In Maths we are learning about shapes and using positional language – such as under, over, next to, in front and behind. You can play games with toys getting them to follow your instructions putting them under/on etc.
It has been wonderful to see their Heritage boxes – the children have loved sharing them and seeing their classmates special boxes.
Remember that Thursday is Stay and Read from 8.45 – 9.15. It was lovely to see the children all enjoying books with their parents/carers last week.

This week in Year 2 we have been learning about the importance of exercise. We timed our resting heart rate and our heart rate after performing different exercises! It was a workout!

Hi Parents and Carers,

Hope this blog finds you all safe and well.

In Science, we have been investigating the best environment for a bean / plant to grow. Please ask your child to tell you about our experiments.


In Topic … We have started to use the well-known tale – Handa’s Surprise.

We have looked at the animals and fruits within the story. We are beginning to teach the children to use … describing words (Adjectives)

For example:

The pineapple is juicy and yellow.

The Zebra is black and white.


In Maths … We have been comparing numbers.

We have been using the vocabulary … ‘greater than’ – ‘less than’ and ‘equal to’

Please find the song that we have been using attached below.




Some reminders…

Please read with your child and sign the reading record book every time you read.

(Please read every day! This will help them to become more confident readers!)

Make sure that your child’s clothing is clearly labelled.

Homework needs to be completed every week and returned before Tuesday of each coming week.


Have a good week!

The Year 1 Team.

Hello All,

Today, we were lucky enough to have Rock Steady deliver workshops for us all. It was great seeing all of the future drummers, singers, keyboard players and guitarists from Year 3 enjoying themselves!

Since the return, we have been very busy and making leaps of progress across the curriculum. In topic, we have been building on our geography skills whilst learning about Kenya which has enabled us to write tourist leaflets so be sure to ask your own personal tour guides at home all about Kenya! In theme with our topic, we have been reading Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters and Lila and the Secret of Rain in our reading lessons. In Maths, we have been focusing on place value and the children have been learning how to represent 3-digit numbers. In Science, we have been learning about the different food groups and what constitutes a traditionally balanced diet.

Going forwards, we will be preparing to write a piece of descriptive writing about the day in the life of a child in Kenya, developing the necessary skills needed for this task. In Maths, we will be learning to add and subtract with 3-digit numbers.

Just as a reminder, our PE day is Wednesday, so please try to come in to school in a PE kit on Wednesdays only. We also ask that you continue to practice spellings at home and listen to your child read daily, recording all responses in the reading record.

Have a lovely weekend and let’s keep the positive energy flowing for the coming weeks!


Mrs Campbell-Whitfield and Mr Ward

Please Click here to read the newsletter.

Tuesday 12th October 10am and Tuesday 16th November 10am.

Please email or call the school office with your name and the day you are visiting.

We look forward to showing our wonderful school.

0207 703 4894



Please stay and read in class with your child every Thursday morning. From 8.45 – 9.15
Looking forward to seeing you


This week the children are learning the sounds /m/  /d/  /g/
Can you find objects at home that start with those letter sounds?
Can you play eye spy with your child?
Please read the phonics book your child has in their book bag every day to help them learn to read.
Thank you for your help
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask
Kind regards
Mrs Naylor and Mr Crick

Just a quick message from the year 4 team to say that it has been an absolute pleasure these last few weeks getting to know the children and we look forward to the rest of the year!

A little reminder that P.E. days for Pioneer are Fridays and for Hubble are Wednesdays, and that both classes have spelling tests on Wednesdays.

Here’s a brief outline of what year 4 are learning this term:

Maths: Focusing on Number and Place Value. Children are learning to represent numbers to 10,000 including being able to recognise the value of each digit according to their position in the number. We have also been focusing on learning our times tables and we have been practising our 5 and 10 times tables.

Reading: This term we will be introducing the children to all the essential reading skills needed in Destination Reader. We  have been reading a book called The Queen of Darkness by Tony Bradman which the children are thoroughly enjoying so far.

Learning Across the Curriculum: The children have been learning all about the Roman Empire and the invasion of Britain. It has been great to see the children so engaged and this is represented in their homework as well. What great shields have been created! 😀

Science: ELECTRICITY! This term we are focusing on electricity and will be constructing a simple series electrical circuit to further our knowledge and use scientific evidence to answer questions or to support out findings.

Curriculum homework- Romans

Attached is the topic homework that the children are expected to complete once a week. Please remind them to do so.

We look forward to updating you on the children’s learning soon!

Thank you.

Year 4 team 🙂



Dear Parents and Carers,

We wanted you to know that the children have had a fantastic start to year 1 and hope that they have started to share their wonderful learning with you.

Year 1 PE lesson is on Tuesday so the children can come in wearing their PE kits. It is important that they have their PE kit as PE is a curriculum requirement.

Your child will have 2 Phonics and 1 banded reading book every week so please read with your child (everyday) and sign in their reading records for us to check as well.

Have a look at the Phonic 2 and 3 tricky words link below to help your child remember them.


Phonic phase 2 – Tricky Words and Sight Words Song – YouTube


Phonic phase 3Phase 3 Tricky Words Song Say Hello To – YouTube


Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately according to the weather.


Thank you for your continued support!

Year 1 Team